

SQL CODE -097 The sql statement is using long varchar or long vargraphic in context where it can not be used. Please check if the sql statement does not involve the following CAST specification syntax CREATE DISTINCT TYPE CREATE FUNCTION CREATE PROCEDURE ALTER FUNCTION COMMENT ON FUNCTION GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION

SQL CODE -097 Read More »


SQL CODE -104 This error occurs when the sql statement involves a keyword (token) that is incorrectly spelled. A syntax error with a symbol used in the sql statement and then the error also provides alternative symbols(keywords) that are avalid and can be used. Click the +1 button  below to share it with your friends

SQL CODE -104 Read More »

COBCH0576S Preceding statement is not imperative

Thu, 07/14/2011 – 08:09 #1 COBCH0576S Preceding statement is not imperative I am getting compile error in the following program when it is compiled on Mainframe express using the compiler directive COBOL for OS/390            OPEN INPUT INPUTFL.            MOVE ‘N’ TO  EOF-INPUT-FILE.            PERFORM

COBCH0576S Preceding statement is not imperative Read More »

What is COBOL

Fri, 01/27/2012 – 19:02 #1 What is COBOL “; ; ; ; What is COBOL COBOL stands for COMMON BUSINESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE. It is one of the oldest programming language and still widely used in the field of finance industry, retail industry and other government organization. COBOL was developed in the year 1960 bythe CODASYL

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