Mainframe Basics

Pull SDSF Data Batch

Main frame Job to Pull SDSF data in Batch   The following Job will help you pull the desired data from spool (SDSF). This may serve as an important tool in gathering the stats of a job just finished. //SDSFOUT    JOB (ACC INFO,,,,,XXXX),’      //            MSGCLASS=Y,NOTIFY=&SYSUID     //STEP01   EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                    //DD01     DD  DSN=USERID.DATASET.ONE,         //            DISP=(MOD,DELETE),UNIT=SYSDA     //DD02     DD 

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Basic TSO Commands

Commonly used TSO commands: This mainframe tutorial is about TSO commands. 1. Create a new dataset modeled after an existing one ALLOC DSN(ABCXYZ.SOURCE.NEW) NEW LIKE(ABCXYZ.SOURCE) This command will allocate a new dataset . ABCXYZ.SOURCE.NEW having the same DCB as .ABCXYZ.SOURCE 2. Concatenate dataset to a program for use as input or output ALLOCATE with the

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More COBOL Interview Questions

Which of the following is not a procedure division verb?   A)    Read B)    InsertC)    Delete D)    Start   Which of the following is false about the formal parameters in a subroutine? A)    Every formal parameter must appear in the linkage section of the subroutineB)    Every formal parameter must appear in the using phrase of

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Basic SDSF Commands

Basic SDSF Commands This mainframe tutorial is aimed at shelling out very basic information about SDSF commands. A beginner will find it useful to quickly learn about SDSF. SDSF stands for System Display and Search Facility.  It is a system to monitor and control mainframe Jobs. The following video tutorial will help you understand the

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