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You would have heard lot of people saying that mainframe is obsolete and is an outdated technology. What I believe is if we couple mainframes with windows technology (scripting languages) we can do wonders.

Most of the projects in today’s scenario look for cost cutting measures. There can be couple of ways to reduce the cost, one such way is Automation.

I will be sharing some of t he automation ideas  that you can implement in your project.

The tools and languages that will come handy are good old CLIST, REXX, ISREDIT macros, ISPF panels, DOS scripting and a little bit of VB scripting.

Few of the following tops my list.

Personal Job Scheduler: Create your own personal Job Scheduler. You can set the time on windows at which you wish to run the job and the job would run on mainframes at the stipulated time.  

User Interface on Mainframe:    A panel based User system on mainframe to prepare regular jobs instantly.0Prepare a report of jobs that abended in the cycle. 

Consolidated Report on Production Cycle:  A report to prepare a detailed critical information about the production cycle.

Delete datasets catalogued in JCL: A CLIST tool which can delete all the datasets catalogued in the JCL at one go. 

Block comment/Uncomment COBOL/JCL/SQL Statements:  A CLIST, ISREDIT macro based tool to block comment/ uncomment COBOL statments.

Please provide your feedback/suggestions regarding this tutorial on contact form. Tutorials related to COBOL, JCL, DB2 etc are also present on the Website for mainframe developers. Mainframe jobs can be posted on our mainframe jobs forum.

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