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Forum topic max length of data passed from JCL to COBOL Anonymous
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Forum topic Converting Easytrieve code to COBOLcode Anonymous
Forum topic Alternat Index file in VSAM upon loading VSAM file Anonymous
Forum topic Cloning a DB2 table Anonymous
Forum topic Subquery used in Where returns more than one row Anonymous
Forum topic Relation between BLKSIZE and LRECL Anonymous
Forum topic On size error truncation or no effect Anonymous
Forum topic Can we redefine a PIC X(100) item to X(200)? Anonymous
Forum topic Synova, Exp:5-6yrs,Job location:Bangalore Anonymous
Forum topic Magna Infotech,Exp:5+,Job location:Bangalore Anonymous
Forum topic Difference between FB and FBA RECFM Anonymous
Page Basic SDSF Commands Anonymous
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Forum topic NIIT Tech,Exp:3-8 Yrs,Job-Location:Delhi/NCR-23rd July 2011 Anonymous
Forum topic Relation between Plan, Packages and collection Anonymous
Forum topic What is special about this COBOL program Anonymous
Story About IBM Anonymous
Forum topic Why does Storage control program has no corresponding CICS table Anonymous
Forum topic When would Include command in Jcl get expanded Anonymous
Forum topic Db2 question which query will not work Anonymous
Forum topic Searching for Hex values in COBOL program Anonymous
Forum topic Real life example of -805 sql code Anonymous
Forum topic Do we have REVERSE command in COBOL? Anonymous
Forum topic How to run jobs in ASCII charset on mainframe express siteadmin

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