

SQL CODE -107 This error occurs when the name of the object used in the sql statement exceeds the maximum allowable length for the object name. You can check by reducing name of the object used in the sql statement or refer db2 guide for the exact details on limits for object names. Click the […]

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What changes required for changing Static calling to dynamic calling

Wed, 07/13/2011 – 16:01 #1 What changes required for changing Static calling to dynamic calling In our system we are using static calling, if I were to change this to dynamic calling what all changes would I need? I can think of the following… 1. Calling subprograms program using identifier instead of literals 2. Compiling

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What is DB2

What is DB2 DB2 is the short name used for DATABASE 2. It is relational database product developed by IBM. This relational database management system was released by IBM in 1983 for MVS operating system. A RDBMS system represents all information in the form of tables. A table is a two dimensional array with horizontal

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Tue, 02/19/2013 – 13:58 #1 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD (from NUMBER OFF) I have encountered a strange issues in PS files. The file is LRECL 8 and has the following data in it 12345678 But when I save it and reopen it, the number col has 345678 and i get a caution

#NAME? Read More »