Personal Job Scheduler
This is my personal favorite. You would have heard of a personal Job scheduler provided on mainframes. I think not all mainframe installations have these personal Job schedulers( PJS). Similar was the case with me, when I wanted to schedule a job to run on a particular time, but ALAS!! I did not have this “PJS” installed on my mainframe.
After struggling for few days and surfing various Websites, going through various books, I could find a way out by which I was able to setup my own personal job scheduler.
The following tutorial explains the step by step process for creating the personal job scheduler.
This works on the concept of submitting a Job using FTP.
The tools that we will need and use for this amazing automation wonder are
1. Ability to submit a Job using FTP
2. DOS scripting
3. Windows scheduler
Lets say we want to schedule the following job (MYJOB) to run on a particular time on each day.
Step 1: Open a notepad and write the following script that you will need to submit the job to mainframe
mainframeuserid – User id on mainframes
mainframepassword- Password of the User id on mainframe
Save the above script into a file and save it as SCRIPT1.SCR
Step 2: Open a notepad, write the following command in it and save the file as MYJOB.BAT
FTP -n -s:script1.scr XX.XX.XXX.XX
where XX.XX.XXX.XX is the ip address of the mainframe
Step 3: Schedule the above batch file MYJOB.BAT in the windows scheduler to run at a particular time using the instructions given below
Goto Control Panel –> Go to Scheduled Tasks –> Add a new task for the above BAT file by browsing the BAT file.
Refer the following for scheduling a task in windows
Please provide your feedback/suggestions regarding this tutorial on contact form. Tutorials related to COBOL, JCL, DB2 etc are also present on the Website. Mainframe developers will benefit from these. Mainframe jobs can be posted on our mainframe jobs forum.