S0C7 Abend
What is S0C7 Abend?
S0C7 is a Data exception abend.
When S0C7 Abend occurs?
S0C7 abend is a Data exception which is caused when a usage computational-3 field has an invalid data (which is not 0-9). It may also be caused if the last byte contains an invalid sign bit (which is anything other than f, c, or d)
Example scenarios when S0C7 can be caused:-
When an Index or Subscript is uninitialized.
Incorrect overlapping of fields in arithmetic packed decimal.
When trying to read a table, the subscript reaches beyond the size of an array.
How to solve S0C7 abend?
; ; ; ;
For figuring out the exact piece of code that caused the abend, look at the Job dump and find the offset at which this abend has occurred. Once you have the offset, search for this offset in the compiler listing and you will get the exact statement which has caused the issue.
With this information you can proceed with the action to be taken. Possible actions can be
Correcting the data
Fixing the code to initializing the variables