How to set maxcc=0???

You might be already well versed in setting the maxcc of a program but please help me out!!! Below mentioned is my requirement:- The program is trying to FTP a file to destination server. It has four steps. Step01:- Validates the FTP account step02,03,04:- FTP’s the same file to the destination server subsequently in case if previous step fails. step020 exec pgm=ftpprog, say if step020.RC > 0 then it executes  step030 exec pgm=ftpprog, say if step030.RC > 0 then it executes “; ; ; ; My requirement here is to set the Maxcc=0 if the FTP is successful in either of the three steps. I have already tried the below piece of code:- if ( step020.RC =0 | step030.RC =0 | step040.RC=0) then Its just setting the RC of step050.  please help me out in setting the MAXCC = 0 for the program. It would be grateful!!!!!!! #2

Just after job card name ….




//SYSIN    DD *            

  SET  MAXCC = 0



Someone continues to reply to questions that have been happily dormant for a very long time . . .

It sounds like there is confusion between RC and MAXCC. They are NOT the same.

Why would someone want to run a step that did nothing except force MAXCC=0?

The original question does not explain clearly enough. If whoever asked the question is still watching, maybe they will clarify.


sounds like a bit of a strange requirement to me. SET MAXCC is an IDCAMS command, in no way does it control the whole job.

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