SORT JCL to copy when location of matching data is not known

SORT JCL to copy when location of matching data is not known If you wish to copy all the records which have a particular string in the file, but its location may vary or is not known then you can use the following sort card


The above sort card will look for string ‘ABC’ anywhere between 1 to 100 bytes in the input file. You can specify the range of cols (start and end) where the search is to be performed. If you are not sure about the range then you can give start position  as 1 and end pos as record length of the file. Example JCL is provided below. ; ; ; ; //SORTIN   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERID.ABC.INPFILE, //SORTOUT  DD DSN=USERID.ABC.OUTFILE, //      SPACE=(TRK,(30,10),RLSE),                                 //      DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=0,DSORG=PS)                //SORTWK01 DD  UNIT=DISK,SPACE=(CYL,(20,5),RLSE)                  //SORTWK02 DD  UNIT=DISK,SPACE=(CYL,(20,5),RLSE)      //SORTWK03 DD  UNIT=DISK,SPACE=(CYL,(20,5),RLSE)       INCLUDE COND=(1,100,SS,EQ,C’ABC’)

VLSHRT specifies that records that are too short to contain all of the INCLUDE compare fields are not to be included in the output data set.