Mainframe Disaster Recovery

When we are developing a program or application we always have the apprehension that what will happen if the data or application is lost due to a problem (like disk error). We take backups to avoid such situations. This is a kind of recovery plan that we have for our application. The large organizations have a lot of data on risk and they need a proper disaster recovery plan so that if there happens a disaster they can continue to operate normally.  Disaster recovery is an important part of any organization that maintains its data and application on mainframe or be it any other server. It is such a critical part but is often overlooked by the organizations. Many of the organizations rely on secondary data centers or hot sites (share service sites) to backup their data.   IT Organizations have periodic disaster recovery test to prove to their clients that they are equipped with necessary tools and mechanism to support the services if there happens a disaster. Disaster recovery can be classified into two broad categories  ; ; ; ; Recovery time objective (RTO)– An RTO is the desired period after which functionality returns to normal following a disruption Recovery point objective (RPO)– An RPO is the desired point to which data can be restored after a disruption. Â