Convert Packed format to viewable format using file-aid
I have a file which has packed data in it, need to send the data to client in viewable format.
I could figure out a way of doing this but wanted to explore other options as well.
I did the following.
File Aid–> Option 5 (Print) –> Option 1 (Data file) –>
Provide the following inputs (highlighted)
Specify Print Information:  Print format   ===> V                  (F = Fmt;V = Vfmt;C = Char;H = Hex)
 Show           ===> FORMAT             (Format; Number; Offset; or Picture)
Specify Print Dataset or HFS Path Information:  Dataset or path ===> ‘INPUT.FILE.PACKED.FIELDS’  Member name    ===>                    (Blank or pattern for member list)
 Volume serial  ===>
Specify Record Layout and XREF Information:  Record layout usage     ===> S         (S = Single; X = XREF; N = None)  Record layout dataset   ===> ‘LAYOUT.LIBRARY’  Member name             ===> LAYOUT   (Blank or pattern for member list)  XREF dataset name       ===>
 Member name             ===>           (Blank or pattern for member list)
Specify Selection Criteria Information:   (E = Existing; T = Temporary;  Selection criteria usage ===> N          M = Modify; Q = Quick; N = None)  Selection dataset name  ===>
 Member name             ===>           (Blank or pattern for member list)
Press Enter to get the following screen and provide the following inputs
File-AID —————- VPRINT – JCL Specification ————————–
Output Format          ===> F        (P = Print; F = File)
Records to print       ===> ALL      (Number to print; ALL)
PRINT – Output Format Options:  Page Order           ===> 1    (1 = Across then down; 2 = Down then across)  Even page per set    ===> N    (Y = Yes; N = No) FILE – Output Format Options:  Dataset name         ===> ‘OUTPUT.FILE’  Disposition          ===> NEW  (NEW; SHR; MOD; OLD)
 Headers              ===> Y    (Y = Yes; N = No)
Specify Batch JCL Information:
 Sysout class         ===> *
JOB Statement Information: Â ===> //JOBCARD Â ===>
Press enter and then submit the batch job.
The output will be received in file OUTPUT.FILE
You can FTP the file and import in excel and share.