
Disable the Edit/View entry panel When we try to open a PS file in edit/view mode, we get the Edit/View entry panel. This panel allows us to set Initial Macro, Profile Name, Format Name etc. If you don’t use these options they may want to turn these off.This is how you can do it:After entering

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Example of REDEFINE CLAUSE PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                          PROGRAM-ID. PGM002.                                               AUTHOR. MAINFRAMEWIZARD.                                         DATA DIVISION.                                                   WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                                          01 DATE1 PIC X(8).                                                01 DATE2 REDEFINES DATE1.                                            05 DATE2-DD    PIC X(2).                                          05 DATE2-MM    PIC X(2).                                          05 DATE2-YYYY  PIC X(4).                                      PROCEDURE DIVISION.                                               10000-MAIN-PARA.                                                        MOVE 08092010 TO DATE1                                   

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The following COBOL program depicts the use of         01 WS-SUB   PIC 9 VALUE ZEROS.              PERFORM 20000-FIRST-PARA UNTIL WS-SUB=5              DISPLAY ‘PARA NAME IS  10000-FIRST-PARA’              DISPLAY ‘PARA NAME IS  20000-FIRST-PARA’. The ouput of the above


What is db2 plan

 What is a plan?  A DB2 plan is an executable module containing the access path logic produced by the DB2 optimizer. It can be consist of One or more DBRM or One or more packages or Combination of DBRM and packages A DB2 program needs a plan associated with it for it to be able

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