Mainframe saves various details against a member or physical sequential file like version, user, create date etc. These details can however be changed by the following methods
1. Using the Rexx code
/* rexx */                                              dsname     = “USERID.ABC.XYZ” /* Work PDS   */                             usrid           = “USER1”   /* User id to be updated in the stats */              mbrname  = “MYMEM”     /* PDS member to update  */                                  Address ispexec                                          “LMINIT  DATAID(LMD1) DATASET(‘”dsname”‘)”               “LMMSTATS DATAID(“lmd1”) MEMBER(“mbrname”) USER(“usrid”)”  Â
 “LMFREE  DATAID(“lmd1″)”                            Â
2. By putting “G” against the member for physical sequential file, a dialog box opens up and there you can edit the stats for the member/ps.