JCL interview question 2

JCL Interview Questions What are the various operands that can be coded in a JOB statement?          Ans:-Time , Msglevel, Msgclass, Notify, Typrun, Region What is the difference between the Positional and Keyword parameters, provide examples of each? Ans:- Positional parametersas the name suggests these are the parameters that should  be placed

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SORT JCL to Copy all records

SORT JCL to Copy all records If you wish to copy all records in a file to another file using SORT you can use the Example JCL is provided below. ; ; ; ; //SORTIN   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERID.ABC.INPFILE, //SORTOUT  DD DSN=USERID.ABC.OUTFILE, //      SPACE=(TRK,(30,10),RLSE),                    

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If you wish to skip certain number of records while sorting you can use the following Where n is the number of records which are to be skipped while sorting Example JCL is provided below. ; ; ; ; //SORTIN   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERID.ABC.INPFILE, //SORTOUT  DD DSN=USERID.ABC.OUTFILE, //      SPACE=(TRK,(30,10),RLSE),          

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If you wish to stop sorting after say N number of records then you can use the following Where n is the number of records after which sorting is required to be stopped. Example JCL is provided below. ; ; ; ; //SORTIN   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERID.ABC.INPFILE, //SORTOUT  DD DSN=USERID.ABC.OUTFILE, //      SPACE=(TRK,(30,10),RLSE),    

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